montefollonico ha scrittone parliamo appunto perchè la moda è finita da anni, sperando che finisca presto anche quella del tartufo
Siccome come per l'olio, il vino, il tartufo esistono certamente molte tipologie di salmone, saperne di più non sarebbe cosa sgradita.
Journal of Food Science
Volume 65 Issue 1 Page 53-60, January 2000
Biological Characteristics Affect the Quality of Farmed Atlantic Salmon and Smoked Muscle
Various biological characteristics influencing the quality of farmed salmon and smoked muscle were studied. No great differences in proximate composition were observed among raw fish. Stress produced a slight decrease in protein solubility at 0.8 M NaCl and also slight variations in electrophoretic profile. This was accompanied by a certain degree of muscle softening. Thirty-days starvation produced slight depletion of the sarcoplasmic fraction, collagen insolubilization, and muscle hardening. The effect of triploidy was more evident in sea-caged fish, resulting in lower protein solubility at 0.05M NaCl and lower insoluble collagen than diploids. After smoking, protein solubility at 0.8M NaCl was highest in stressed fish, and non-starved fish collagen became insolubilized.
Journal of Food Science
Volume 68 Issue 4 Page 1155-1160, May 2003
Influence of Salmon Provenance and Smoking Process on Muscle Functional Characteristics
P. MONTERO et alii.
Ocean-ranched and farm-reared Atlantic salmon were compared on the basis of compositional and functional/mechanical properties of the raw and the corresponding smoked muscle. Several procedures based on different salting methods (brine and dry salting) and smoking temperature (20 °C and 30 °C) were tested, as well as an electrostatic smoking method. Also, raw material samples were studied without and with frozen storage (-20 °C) for 30 d prior to salting/smoking, and the effect of frozen storage on the smoked muscle was evaluated. The electrostatic method induced considerably lower shear force values than the other smoking treatments. Ocean-ranched salmon were more susceptible to protein aggregation and loss of binding properties (water and fat) than farmed fish as a consequence of frozen storage of the raw material or smoking treatment. ... -01575.htm
C'è molta bibliografia nel Journal of Food Science. Il problema principale è: l'affumicatura peggiora le qualità organolettiche del pesce? Si creano sostanze cancerogene?
Inoltre l'utilizzo degli aromi artificiali (iniezione di acqua, sale e aroma affumicato) è una truffa o no, dato che questi aromi non contengono amine pericolose come quelle del fumo?
Se si sa leggere un po' l'inglese c'è da sbizzarrirsi.
Ma, dato che il salmone non mi ha mai interessato, lascio a monty la gabella culturale...